Scream Agency helped prepare over 7,800 meals.
Scream Agency helped prepare Emergency Kits to serve over 7,800 meals.

During these uncertain times, it’s hard to know what to do and how to best spend our time. We can lead or we can follow. We can think about doing things or we can do things. If you’re a doer person (and you’re healthy), many local nonprofit organizations still need our help (particularly organizations delivering food such as Food Bank of the Rockies and Metro Caring). Visit the Downtown Denver Partnership to see a list of other organizations to see how you can help. Through our Scream Serves program, we’ve had a chance to volunteer at Food Bank of the Rockies and their team did a wonderful job at social distancing all of us as volunteers, providing us with gloves and making sure we felt safe.

If you’re a doer person (and prefer to volunteer virtually given our uncertain times), that’s great too. There are many virtual volunteer options. We’re also volunteering through the Denver Phonebank to call elderly to make sure they’re okay and have what they need during these unprecedented times.

We hope you all have a chance to find small ways in which we can “be good” together, while still apart.


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