It was 27 years ago on a cold November evening. When I say cold, I mean Minnesota bitter, freeze-your-eyelashes-and-any-facial-hair cold. But we Minnesotans would go out on these cold evenings for one thing (and usually only one thing). To hear music.

It was U2 at the St. Paul Civic Center at $17 a ticket (on the main floor row 20 mind you) for The Joshua Tree tour. It was unforgettable. It was an experience to be heard. The Joshua Tree went on to top the charts in over 20 countries, and sold in record-breaking numbers. According to Rolling Stone, the album increased the band’s stature “from heroes to superstars” including hit singles “With or Without You”, “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For” and “Where the Streets Have No Name”. And, these guys are still touring. Talk about creating a brand and delivering an experience that hasn’t stopped for 30 years.
You might say it’s U2, they can do whatever they want. But, they’re still human. Given Bono’s recent biking accident a few days ago, it shows us all that we will face setbacks. Yet, we can’t give up.
So, what does this have to do with marketing you ask? Good question. Sometimes it’s just good to reflect on a throwback Thursday. To hear what’s around you. To listen to what’s worked and what hasn’t. To realize that even the best brands in the world have to be vocal to be heard. That they need to continue to re-invent themselves in today’s world to be relevant. That we all have to keep getting back up even after a fall. Maybe U2 can learn from U2.