
Pokemon game on phone

Time to Pokéstop and Pikachoose

If you haven’t heard about Pokémon Go, you’ve either been wearing blinders for the last week or you’re lying to yourself. The augmented-reality app based around the beloved Pokémon characters already has more users than the ever-infamous dating app, Tinder (it’s good to see people have their priorities straight). Even more impressive, however, is that […]

Time to Pokéstop and Pikachoose Read More »

When it comes to your logo – Think inside the box

The profile picture of your social channels is the most valuable advertising space for your brand. Are you using it correctly? Here are a few DOs and DON’Ts to make sure that you’re taking full advantage of this coveted space: 1. DO – Use your logo as your profile picture. The profile picture sits next

When it comes to your logo – Think inside the box Read More »

Cinemagraphs – The Future of Online Advertising?

An article came out recently that hinted at Facebook’s plan to revolutionize the online ad. The technique? Cinemagraphs. There’s no set date for the takeover of this “so hot right now” technique but as we prepare our news feeds for these mesmerizing images, I’ll dig a little deeper into the technique and the impact that

Cinemagraphs – The Future of Online Advertising? Read More »

Scream Agency’s $4.5 Big Game Commercial

Sunday morning across America men and women of all ages will participate in one of the great American traditions, the Super Bowl. They’ll roll out of bed, tuck in the brightly colored flannel sheets featuring their favorite NFL team, substitute the a.m. teeth brushing with the first chicken wing of the day, stack every bit of

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Mo’ne Davis is still the most exciting thing about baseball

At Scream, we all like to think of ourselves as athletes. We’ve spent thousands of hours on the track, the pitch, the field, the diamond, the court and more recently on the sidelines as coaches and the bleachers as spectators. But, nothing compares to the excitement of a young athlete. The energy. The inspiration. The

Mo’ne Davis is still the most exciting thing about baseball Read More »

Jingles have already permeated your sub-conscious And you can’t do anything about it.

At Scream Agency we’ve had multiple clients approach our creative team to come up with concepts for television and radio spots, including slogans and catchy jingles. We’ve been humming tunes and rattling off random collections of words for weeks now and we’ve come up with a few great concepts. However, as we approach the testing

Jingles have already permeated your sub-conscious And you can’t do anything about it. Read More »

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